Sunday, April 27, 2014

The story of how they met.
My grandpa can tell stories from his life in great detail. Every time I see him he tells a different story, something happening today will always remind him of a previous event. A few years back he quickly told the story of how he met my grandmother, a simple tale of a navy sailor getting ready to set sail when he sees a pretty lady. I was down visiting with them yesterday when he told me more about how they met.
When my grandpa turned 18 years old he joined the US Navy and was stationed in Florida, where it happened my grandmother was living. One night he and a few pals had been drinking and came upon three girls. My grandpa being a smooth talker brought out the line that he was a young sailor getting ready to leave and would be so lonely on the sea by himself and asked my grandmother for her address so that he could write her. She gave it to him and they wrote to one other. My grandpa was inebriated and didn't remember the night to well, but did remember the girl he met, sort of. He had the address but couldn't remember her name correctly, so he put down what he remember it as being. In one of the closets at their home is a group of letters, some of the letters he wrote to her and in that group is that first letter, the one with the wrong name.
They continued to write and when he came back to shore he went to visit my her at the house she was living in with a group of other ladies and their house mother. Another detail my grandpa forgot about that night was what the girl he had met and began talking with looked like. Well as he waited in the main room of that house girls kept coming down, peeking around the corner and giggling and walking off. Eventually my grandma came down and poked her head around the corner "Bill?" she said, "Wilma?" he said.
Well I'm guessing the meeting went well, that's where the tale ended but they got married, had kids and still live together so if I had to guess I would say it ended well.
I haven't met my special someone, but one day it will happen and I hope it will be a sweet story to tell our grandkids someday.
A picture of my grandparents very first kiss. How many can say the have a picture of such. So sweet.
Till next time...

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